So, Thursday and Friday went well. School wise anyways, getting there on Friday was a bit of a stuggle...will tell you more in a second. On Thursday, I had two hours of SVT, Sciences Vie & Terre, (Life and Earth Science). M. Laval was the teacher, hes nice and tried to talk to me in english. The I had Francais, which is a really difficult class because the teacher talks in rapid french for the entire period, and I dont understand any of it. But I did understand when she gave us a paper with 15 books listed on it and said we would have to read all of the during the year! Then, I had two MORE hours of SVT and then lunch. Lunch here consists of fruit, cheese, bread, dessert, a main course (such as noodles, eggs, or lasagne) and also water. Then I had two hours of Physique-Chimie (which was physics and chemistry) but we only have one each time, that period we talked about chemistry and did some experiments, they were actually really cool. What we did was rub a plastic tube with a nylon fabric and then picked up bits of paper with it because of static electricity I think? And then we did the same thing but with water. We let a small stream of water flow from the tap and placed the plastic tube close to it and the water bent towards the tube! (I was amazed). After that, I got to go home (at 4:00) because I dont take another language like most people. So since Ingrid, Chloé, and Laura were still in class, I had to find the way to the bus stop, get off at the right stop, and find my way from the bus stop to my house all by my self...and I did it! I didnt get lost!
On Friday, getting to school was more exciting. It started off fine, Laura and I met Ingrid at the bus stop and we got on the bus. Then, the bus stopped at the first stop, and a bunch of little kids that were on the bus needed to get off. The bus was packed, and we had been the last to get on, so we were in the doorway. The little kids all pushed past us, and started to forced me against the door. When they all got off and the bus driver tried to close the doors, one of them wouldnt close because it had been broken by all the force! The bus stopped traffic for several blocks and all the cars behind us were honking. The bus driver made everyone get off the bus and we were going to wait for another bus to come get us, but the bus was blocking the whole road and nothing could get by, so we walked most the way to school, and then caught another bus the rest of the way! No one noticed that I was the one standing in the doorway when the doors broke until we got to school and then I told Ingrid, and she started laughing:) Haha, so that was my Friday morning. We got to school in time to catch the last part of the two hour block of English class! And then we had two hours of Physique-Chimie, where we had a test. My paper was pretty blank at the end except for the question I had written down on the paper:). Then, we had lunch, but I had four hours for lunch because for some reason I didnt have a two hour class called Travx Perso. Encadres (I have no idea what it is). Then I had another two hours, one from regular lunch, and another from the 'other language' class I dont have. So, I went home and ate, and then had to catch the bus back to school for one hour of Histoire and Geographie, which I really like because the teacher smiles a lot and seems really nice, and because I sort of understood what we were doing. We were taking notes on the population of France. Then I caught the bus with Ingrid, Chloé, and another girl Chloé introduced me to, but I forgot her name. Last night (friday night), I went to a photo gallerie opening of one of Claires friends. The photos were of people and siverware relected in mirrors to distort the image. It was interesting. After that, we went to a big restaurant and I had Foie Gras, which was okay, but not very flavorful. Then, I came home and slept:)
Tomorrow, Claire and Michel are having a big party for a bunch of family birthdays that occur in September. Claire asked me if I wanted to make a dessert for the party and I said yes! I am going to make Chocolate Chip Cookies. I converted all the cups and teaspoons into grams, so I hope they turn out allright!
A bientot!
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