
*Il Neige*

On Thursday I had a full, normal day of school. Though Friday was a different story; I had just three hours of class when I normally have 7 1/2 -8 1/2! I had two hours of English class starting at 8 in the morning, and then one hour of history from 4pm-5pm. It was a wonderfully relaxing day! In between english and history class, I went over to Chloés house and hung out with her, Claire (the new exchange student) and Ingrid. We watched Little Miss Sunshine and made lunch of noodles with a mustard sauce (it was a little strange, but good) and an omlet. In France, no one thinks omlets are for breakfast, always for lunch, and maybe for dinner. It was nice to be around someone who didnt understand the conversations!:) It made me realise how far I have come since the beginning, even though people keep telling me, its hard to tell until I see someone else in the same situation...if that makes sense.
Saturday I took the Bac Blanc du Français from 8am - 12pm. For the first two hours I read and translated into English the two texts that were given to us, and then the questions. Then I read back over everything and noticed some of the questions asked for three answers from the three different texts....I searched the page and still found just the two I had seen in the first place. Then, down at the very bottom in the center of the page, was the start of the third text which then was finished on the top of the page at the right. I figured out I had been trying to understand the whole second text with the last part of the third text tacked on to the end. No wonder it hadnt been making sense. After that, I sort of lost my gung-ho attitude about doing the very best I could and writing all my thoughts down on the paper to get the best grade I possible could. So I tried to answer the questions, though I ended up only writing two small paragraphs, and left a big space inbetween incase I magically found the answer to the other questions. So, when I was all done, there was only a small paragraph on the top of the first page, and when I turned it in, the lady looked at me with gigantic eyes and asked me what I was doing. I told her I was an exchange student, and she promptly said 'oooooohhhhhhhhh', and smiled :). I have two more Bac Blancs (one in each of the next trimesters) so I will hopefully improve even more over time, and when I take my real Bac de Français, maybe I will receive an okay mark! After that, I went out to lunch with Laurie, Justine and Adam (who is also in our class) and then spent the rest of Saturday with Laura and Claire at the house. Michel is still at Groix until Tuesday night.
Today I got up semi-early again and went to the mall (again) with Claire and Laura because they needed to Christmas shop. We got there right as it opened and there was hardly anybody there! Then we went to an outdoor market for artistic objects and then the Marchée De Noel which was a lot bigger and had more interesting things, in my opinion. There was a place called the Temple of Cheese!! :) Then we came home and ate lunch, and then Claire and I tried making macaroons (French macaroons, not American) though they needed to sit for a while, so they still havent been baked. Then I made chocolate chip cookies for Claires school, because they are having some sort of bake sale to raise money for the kids to go on a field trip. Then....(this is the most exciting piece of news I have).........IT SNOWED!!!! :) Not a lot, not even so we could see it on the ground, but we could see it falling and it was pretty!
Tomorrow after my short day of classes I am going over to Justines house because she wants to make Zucchini Crumble for us....(yes, like Apple Crumble, but with zucchinni).

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