
Wimp = muaviett / poule moulée (wet chicken!)

I decided that I am going to start putting french words and their english translations that I learn in the title spot, that way you guys can learn a little french too! :)

Ok, correction: Printemps de la Jupe was not for engineers. I misunderstood. It was a once yearly thing to talk about the roles of men and women in society. I didnt really understand what this organisation does, but the meeting was really boring and I didnt really follow along...
On Tuesday from 8-10 am we were supposed to have the engineer meeting. However, the engineers werent warned, and thought they were teaching from 10-12. So we missed our first class (of Euro English, which is boring anyways) because it took us a while to figure out if the engineers were comming or not, and then we went to our second class of English for one hour until 10am and then met with the engineers. It was more interesting than the meeting on Monday, but they didnt give us any useful (in my opinion) information. They gave us the gender statistics for each job, and the time frame of work, but not what we would be doing everyday, or even the diferent types of engineers, ect. It wasnt a very clear presentation, though that could have also been because I didnt understand everything.
Wednesday was an eventful day. I took the bus to school with Ingrid and Laurie. What we got to the bus stop we normally get off at, another bus was there which has a stop closer to our school. We took it because it was cold, windy, and rainy outside, and then cut across a fenced-in park to get to school. The gate to the park was locked and we didnt have time to walk all the way around again. So we had to climb the 12 foot tall fence and run the rest of the way to school. We didnt make it. So we sat in detention for an hour, then had an hour of math class. After math on Wednesdays, we usually have gym (we are currently doing swimming) though this particular Wednesday we didnt have class, but we couldnt go home for whatever reason either. Laurie and I were hungry so we walked to a bakery and bought two brioche parline. They were really good! After, we sat in the detention room and just talked. Laurie, Anne-Sophie and I talked about what were going to do after highschool. Most people in the French school system have to make up their minds on a career, or a general area, at the end of 10th grade. The choose to go into a 'line'. Everyone in my class chose to go into the 'science line' which is where you can do the most things, or so I have heard. There are also the 'language line' and the 'economics line'. When you choose a line, you automatically get classes the next year (from 11th through 12th grade) which are geared towards that area of studies. Laurie and Anne-Sophie dont know exactly what they want to do, so right now they are both thinking of going to Italy next year for an exchange. After school, I went home and had lunch with Michel, Laura, and Claire, and got a package from Aunt Bonnie! Then I caught the bus with Ingrid to go to Place Bellecour to buy Bensimons. Bensimons are tennis shoes that are very popular in France right now. They come tons of colors and styles, I bought some blue ones! While we were at Place Bellecour, someone from Unicef stopped us and asked us to right the ferris wheel, and all the proceeds would go to Haiti. So we did, and then there was a groupe of college students waiting on the ground after who asked questions and taped our answers for a school project or something, though only Ingrid talked!! :) After that I came home and changed for dance class. At dance, we had a guest hiphop teacher who taught us a choreography of hiphop which we will somehow incorporate into a dance we do later on. It was fun, but really hard! He had us balance on our heads (though luckily no spinning!) and on our hands with our elbows supporting our legs. That night we ate dinner while watching the movie Les Choristes (The Chorists) which Ingrid lent me. It was a good french movie! It was about a boarding school for troubled-ish boys (Claire told me they had supposedly been to court and the juge referred them to this school, though only a few were mean in the movie) and a new teacher who liked singing. He had trouble controlling the boys at first, but eventually got through to them by starting a choir. The ending was a little abrupt, with the teacher being fired by the principal, and all the boys who had pretended not to like the choir throwing little paper airplanes out the window with nice goodbyes written on them as the teacher exited. All day thursday I was really tired, and I had class from 8am-6pm :( Though today I got to sleep in because my English teacher was absent, so I started at 10am! Then I had 2.5 hours of chemistry and physics right aways :( but then lunch, TPE, one hour of Italian (I dont really have this class, I just went with Laurie, Ingrid and Anne-Sophie for something to do, and the teacher is really nice and doesnt mind) and then one hour of History and Geography and then I finished at 5pm! Tonight, a Norwegian girl, Ingrid, is comming over to spend the night (she is with AFS too) and then tomorrow Laura, Ingrid, and I are catching the train to....I dont really know where, though its the same small town we went to after the first month here. Tonight, Claire and Michel are driving to a friends cabin where they are going to stay the weekend and snowshoe on a mountain.

Also, I realise that I make a lot of errors in my blog posts because I dont proof read them and I am slowly loosing my English, so Im sorry!! I hope you can still understand everything :)


  1. That movie sounds good! Do you think we could find it over here in the US? I bet they don't have an English version, do they?

  2. Im sure they do, we can look for it together when I get back if you can wait that long :)

  3. Giving us some words in French is a good idea for those of us who have had a little French which we might recognize, and to learn some basic wording. AB
