
Les orages = Storm

We just had two weeks of beautiful weather. Then Saturday we had a thunder and lightning storm all night. Today its back to being beautiful but extremely hot. When its warm, its about 90 or 95 degrees.
Last weekend I had my dance performance, which went well.
Last week I went shopping, the summer sales started. I went swimming almost everyday...multiple times to counter the heat. Laura and I have started a memory book for Claire and Michel, so we printed pictures and now we need to put it together by Saturday!
We went to a party Friday night for some friends of Claires who are moving the the Beaujolais region of France.
Yesterday I went to Sophias house in Millery, which is about 45 minutes from Lyon, for a going away party but I had to come home early because today I got up at 5:30 to take my oral exam for the bac de francais at 8:00am. I met Olivia outside the school because she was taking it too, along with other kids from our class. The teacher picked Dom Juan for me, and then I had half an hour to prepare. I read, explained and answered a question about the text, then she had 10 minutes to ask me anything she wanted about the text. I think I did pretty well, she said "c'était une belle réusite" which means I did a good job :)
Tomorrow I invited my friends to spend the day here, swimming, eating, etc.
This week I need to finish everything! (And pack!!)

1 comment:

  1. Grar, I waited too long to sign in after I hit 'post', and it killed my big long comment. Oh, well. Abbreviated version:

    Congrats on your test! And don't melt before you get on the plane to come home :) Did you get all the pictures you needed for your book? If you can think of any specific ones you need, let me know and I can look through what I have to see if I can find them.

    Mom, Dad, and I left Burley and went through a bit of Yellowstone National Park today (drove through Idaho, then Wyoming, and then up to Montana to spend the night). Tomorrow we're going to go back down and make a complete loop of the park. Only saw one buffalo today and a lot of sulfuric hotsprings/geysers, no bears yet! I'm sure we'll see more wildlife tomorrow. And hopefully it will be sunnier, and not as rainy as it was today!

    Mom and Dad say hi, and Mom says to email any details you have of your arrival into New York (flight number, arrival time, etc) to her work email.

    Hope you have a great last week in France! Crazy to think you'll be back in a Alaska in just a few days!

