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On Saturday, Laura and I decided we wanted to go into the center of Lyon, called Place Bellecour. Claire dropped us off at the metro station and we somehow figured out the system and got down there. There are a bunch of shops and we just walked around. I bought a pain au chocolat at a touristy stand. We went into a Pharmacie so that I could buy a bottle of contact solution (the dont sell that at Carrefour, which is like a Walmart), but the lady said it would cost 16 Euro! So I said, non merci!!! Everything here is so expensive, I dont know if I am just going to the wrong places to buy things or if everywhere is like this. We also went into a couple of papershop places so Laura could buy lined paper. Then we caught the metro back to the Grange Blanche station and took a bus home. After we got back, I made chocolate chip cookies for the party on Sunday, which was surprisingly difficult. I hadnt thought about the cups to grams ratio enough to realize that cups are volume and grams are weight. They came out a little flat, but overall they tasted the same:). Saturday night, we watched the French version of the American TV show 'Lost' (which is called Disparu in French). It was interesting because I had never seen it in English, but you could tell it On Sunday, we woke up and immediately started preparing for the party. 20 people came in total, and I only remember two names...is that bad??:) haha. I forgot to say that the party was not, in fact, just for Victor, (whose not at home), but for all the family's september birthdays, which I guess there are a lot of. Anyway, Claire's sisters came with their husbands and their children. Claire's mother came, and Michel's father and mother came. Then there was Pierre-Antoine, who is not part of the family, but a friend of Victor (and one of the two names I remember) The other person whose name I remember is Julie. She is Claire's sister's child, or my host cousin? She is my age or one year older. She is really nice, she talked to Laura and I alot, and even offered to take us shopping this weekend. I am not sure if that is her hobby, or she thought we needed new clothes:). After the party, Laura and I took a walk around the neighboorhood, and didnt get lost!
Then Monday (today) we had school again. I had math at eight, then an hour break, where I went to the bibliotheque (library) with Ingrid, Laurie, and Olivia. After that, I had an hour of histoire-geographie, and then another hour of math. Then two hours for lunch, and then an hour of Anglais (English!!). We had a test today, for the first part, we had to translate sentences from French to English, that was kind of difficult. Then we had to write 200 words about a job of our choice and the high and low points of having that job as a career. I chose baking as my career. After school, a girl whose in my class but I had never talked to before asked me if I would eat lunch with her and another girl tomorrow, I said yes. I thought that was very nice of her to ask. I dont think people are that observative at West High, last year I never would have thought to ask someone I didnt know to eat with me at lunch. I will have to keep that in mind when I return:). After that, I took the bus with Ingrid, Laurie, and another girl and then walked to the house. I think I have homework, but I am not sure what it is or what to do, so I guess I will just get bad grades this semester, and try to improve them next semester when I am (hopefully!!!!!) fluent in French. I feel like I take a bunch of notes in school, (or I copy the notes of the other students) but I have not idea what they say or how to use them....I guess I will learn sometime! A la prochaine!

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